Youth asks: The older the wiser?

by Katherine Libby, United Press International As the presidential election nears, the George Mason University campus is buzzing with students talking politics, dispelling the myth that the nation’s youth simply don’t care. One student changing the reputation of young voters is Zach Rosen, a communication major at George Mason University. Rosen, known for his happy-go-lucky […]

VA Board of Elections Accused of Attempting to Confuse Students

By Noah Martin The Virginia State Board of Elections has been accused of possibly trying to confuse student voters. In an effort to make registering to vote easier for students, the Board has posted a self-guided questionnaire on their website. Representatives from the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School have raised […]

Presidential Debate Watch this Friday

By Noah Martin The outcome of a televised debate is about more than a candidate’s response to the questions, so come to the Johnson Center atrium at George Mason University for a Debate Watch party this Friday to view Senator Barack Obama (D-Illinois) and Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) confront each other over issues of foreign […]

Hispanic and Latinos Rock the Vote!

Today, Sept. 23, a Rock the Vote event focusing on Mason’s Hispanic and Latino communities is being held in the SUB1 Patriot Lounge at 7 p.m. As part of Hispanic Heritage Month, students will be discussing how the Hispanic/Latino community can affect the 2008 presidential elections. You can register to vote at this event. The […]

Author David Bacon Talks about Illegal Immigration

By Noah Martin David Bacon, photojournalist, author, and immigration rights activist, spoke at George Mason yesterday as a part of the Fall for the Book program. Bacon came to speak specifically about his new book Illegal People but addressed the larger issues of immigration rights today, the current credit crunch, the War On Terror, the […]

Albright Talks Foreign Policy at Mason

By David Pierce, courtesy of Broadside Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright spoke at a foreign policy town hall meeting, sponsored by presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign, Saturday in Dewberry Hall. She was part of a three-person panel that included terrorism expert Richard Clarke and Rep. Jane Harman (D.-Calif.) Albright, 71, introduced herself […]

Biden Holds Women’s Rally in Loudoun County

Senator Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden, Ph.D., held a women’s rally in Sterling, VA this morning, where they touted the need to have equal pay for equal work, a women’s right to choose, better healthcare options, tax credits for education and the right to privacy. Mason Votes was there to provide live blogging, […]

Mason Professors Discuss Political Ideology in America

by Noah Martin George Mason University’s School of Public Policy will host Bruce L.R. Smith, Jeremy D. Mayer, and Lee Fritschler, authors of Closed Minds? Politics and Ideology in American Universities, on the Arlington campus in the Original building room 244 on Friday from 6:00 – 7:30pm. Smith, Mayer, and Fritschler will lecture on their […]

Getting Out the Female Vote

by Noah Martin George Mason University hosted Feminist Majority Foundation representatives for their Get Out Her Vote 2008 campaign, a non-partisan campaign traveling to campuses nationwide to encourage voter registration and increase knowledge of the voting system. They spoke at multiple classes around campus on Sept. 17. “The most important part of our message is […]

What’s Going on Right Now, Wednesday

CNN is on campus covering students registering to vote     Students Register to Vote        VA-21 on Campus