Hillary Clinton Coming to Mason on Sunday

Senator Hillary Clinton, D-NY, will be at George Mason University on Sunday, Nov. 2. The event, which begins at 3:30 p.m., will be held at the North Plaza and is open to the public. Her speech, sponsored by Senator Barack Obama’s, D-Illi, presidential campaign will compare Obama to Senator John McCain, R-Ariz., regarding issues such […]

Find Mason’s Voice in Latest VoxPop Magazine

This week the Office of Student Media at George Mason University released the latest issue of VoxPop magazine, titled Voice. Check out Voice with Mason Votes’ online reader or pick up a free copy today from the Broadside office in SUB1. Voice looks at what Mason has been doing this election season, what students and […]

Last Day to Register for Absentee Ballot

This is the last day that Virginia residents can register for an absentee ballot. Students can register at the kiosk in the Johnson Center. If you are not on campus, you can go to the Fairfax Government Center or get the form from the Virginia Board of Elections website. You can see Mason Vote’s Voting […]

Alicia Silverstone Discusses Why She Supports Obama

Mason Votes was on a conference call with actress and environmentalist Alicia Silverstone earlier today. The actress spoke about Obama’s policies, her respect for the candidate and his environmental policy. Download Now!

How Will You Pay? – College Affordability Part 5

This election hinges on many issues, but students aren’t getting a lot of attention. When college students go out to vote this November it may radically change how they pay for college, or if they can pay at all.

What Does George Mason University Care about When Voting?

Movies About the Issues: Watch and Learn with Student Media

Did you miss out on one of the Office of Student Media’s 5 viewings of movies about the issues in this election? Well, don’t fear! We can bring these movies to you. If you, your class, or your floor are interested in seeing one of these five issue movies, contact Mason Votes to set up […]

Student Survey

George Mason University is running a survey of student opinions on issues that are important to them in choosing to vote, and choosing for whom to vote. Take the poll now!

Student Loans – College Affordability Part 4

Both candidates support loans as a way to help students pay for college. Obama’s plan seeks to increase loan forgiveness, a federal program that cancels all or a portion of a student’s loan, most often in exchange for some form of public service. McCain, however, has voted against programs to provide loan forgiveness on two […]

State House Speaker Addresses Mason on Budget Crisis

By Chris Bradshaw Republican Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates Bill Howell visited George Mason University Tuesday to address students and faculty. He answered questions about the current budget crisis and the impact it will have on the state level. “Technically we’re not in a recession – in this country or in Virginia – […]