Rights of Conscience Live Blog – TODAY!

UPI’s Voice of Young Voters will be hosting a Live Blog, December 30, on the controversial “rights of conscience” ruling. This rule, recently issued by the Bush administration, enhances the abilities of health care providers to refuse services, such as abortion, based on their personal religious and moral beliefs. The ruling has spurred contentious debate, with 13 state attorney […]

Is Obama Ready to go Against His Supporters on an Auto Bailout?

According to a poll earlier this month, 61 percent of Americans oppose an auto bailout, 70 percent believe that a bailout would be unfair to taxpayers and another majority of those surveyed did not believe that the bailout would help the economy. Only 15 percent believe that bankruptcy in the auto industry would immediately affect […]

Opinion Blogging With UPI

Hello Folks, Please note that I will be writing opinion blog posts for UPI’s The Voice of Young Voters Presidential Transition Forum. The posts that I am writing over there will be cross-posted here for your pleasure. Please remember that these posts are my personal opinions and in no way reflect the position of Mason […]