Inaugural Treasure

Despite flubbing a bit on the Presidential Oath, Barack Obama came back as his speech replicated the spirit of MLK Jr.’s “I Have A Dream.” By Matt Todd As our 44th president of the United States of America, Barack Obama, like another African-American hero Martin Luther King Jr., has a dream for America.  Despite the slight […]

Rights of Conscience Live Blog – TODAY!

UPI’s Voice of Young Voters will be hosting a Live Blog, December 30, on the controversial “rights of conscience” ruling. This rule, recently issued by the Bush administration, enhances the abilities of health care providers to refuse services, such as abortion, based on their personal religious and moral beliefs. The ruling has spurred contentious debate, with 13 state attorney […]

Founding Fathers Would Not Recognize Current Office

By Rashad Mulla Because of the increased responsibilities of recent presidents, the United States’ first leaders would not recognize today’s presidency, political scholar Joseph Pika said. Pika, co-author of “Politics of the Presidency,” spoke live via video conference to students from Denver University, Pace University in Manhattan and George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. on […]

It’s Almost Over

I don’t just mean the Election, but the end of eight years of half-bright leadership and the social movements that allowed a near-incompetent like George W. Bush to become President of the United States. While W. fumbled his way through the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, destroying the national surplus, beating the economy like a rented […]

Final thoughts before the End.

I was never passionate about politics until this election. Until this year, I could have cared less about who was President. And then, one day about six or seven months ago, I happened to pick the elliptical trainer in front of a TV broadcasting MSNBC. Some guy was speaking in front of a crowd, but […]

Find Mason’s Voice in Latest VoxPop Magazine

This week the Office of Student Media at George Mason University released the latest issue of VoxPop magazine, titled Voice. Check out Voice with Mason Votes’ online reader or pick up a free copy today from the Broadside office in SUB1. Voice looks at what Mason has been doing this election season, what students and […]

How Can We Talk Football at a Time Like This?

The American Economy is officially in the toilet. And now, finally, it appears that a decent amount of people have begun to realize that Sarah Palin is completely and utterly inept — and if you read the last two paragraphs of Jonathan Martin’s blog on the Politico, she may be more inept than some of […]

Why McCain Must Lose This Election

By Lars Laing-Peterson 1) He votes with the failed and failing policies of George W. Bush 90+% of the time. ( has it at 95% of the time.) These policies will have a lasting detrimental affect on this country. And, more importantly, how can you be a Maverick when you vote with the Party Line […]

Wanted: Opinion Bloggers

Mason Votes is looking for opinion bloggers who are Libertarian, Green Party or Supporters of Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader. Please contact us at if you are interested.

Obama-Hood and his Merry Obamanomics [or] Obama Hearts Socialism.

By Tierney Kain Oh god. Oh GOD. Our economy’s NEVER been as bad as it is now. Great Depression?! Please. Our current “Great Recession” is much, much worse. I mean…our million dollar houses we bought with zero money down and refinanced six times are being foreclosed upon! The dinners out and the DVD libraries we […]