Students Elect Dasgupta, King

Devraj Dasgupta and Tyler King were announced as the newly elected Student Government president and vice president, respectively, last Thursday. According to the student government website, Dasgupta and King received 1,534 of the 3,390 votes. Anthony DiCarlo and Krista Muise had the second largest number of votes, 500 behind Dasgupta and King. In total, Dasgupta’s […]

WGMU’s YourTalk Interviews SGA Candidates

WGMU’s YourTalk interviews Candidates Kyle McDaniel, Anthony DiCarlo and Krista Muise (President and Vice Presidential candidates, respectively); and Josh St. Louis. From : “Ask anyone who has already listened to the show and they’ll tell you that these are some hard hitting interviewswith some great commentary by Prof. Rodger Smith and I. This is the podcast you MUST listen to […]

Profile: Josh and Amanda

Josh St. Lous and Amanda Johnson’s interview with Broadside. Why are you running for office? St. Louis: We feel that the student government has become out of touch with the needs of the average student.   Do you have a specific campaign platform? St. Louis: I really want to make sure people know what Student Government […]

Profile: Kyle and Jillian

Kyle McDaniel’s interview with Broadside.   Why are you running for office? McDaniel: To help people, to help students. Anything that the Student Government can do to ease a little bit of pressure, that’s what we need to be doing. That’s why I’m running.   Do you have a specific campaign platform? McDaniel: My plan to […]

Profile: Dev and Tyler

Dev Dasgupta and Tyler King’s interview with Broadside. Why are you running for office? Dasgupta: I really don’t feel Student Government’s presence on campus. I really want to show students that Student Government can reach out to students and show that we’re working to better a day in the life of a student at Mason. King: […]

Profile: Anthony and Krista

Anthony DiCarlo and Krista Muise’s interview with Broadside. Why are you running for office? DiCarlo: We have a very strong passion for really working to help out students. We just feel like in terms of our experience and in terms of the connections we’ve made, we really know what it takes to get stuff done. […]

Anthony and Krista Podcast

Due to technical complications, the interview with Anthony and Krista was done by Mason Votes.

Josh and Amanda Podcast

Hear the interview from Broadside with Josh and Amanda.

Kyle and Jillian Podcast

Listen to the Broadside interview with Kyle and Jillian.

Dev and Tyler Podcast

Hear the audio of Dev and Tyler’s interview with Broadside.