Is Obama Ready to go Against His Supporters on an Auto Bailout?

According to a poll earlier this month, 61 percent of Americans oppose an auto bailout, 70 percent believe that a bailout would be unfair to taxpayers and another majority of those surveyed did not believe that the bailout would help the economy. Only 15 percent believe that bankruptcy in the auto industry would immediately affect […]

Some George Mason students who registered on campus forced to vote provisionally

Some students who registered on campus at George Mason University were not allowed to cast a vote today. Freshman Katie Bredholt, 18, said she registered to vote on campus with a group of Obama supporters in early September. She was only allowed to vote provisionally today. Bredholt, whose permanent address is in Texas, said after […]

Founding Fathers Would Not Recognize Current Office

By Rashad Mulla Because of the increased responsibilities of recent presidents, the United States’ first leaders would not recognize today’s presidency, political scholar Joseph Pika said. Pika, co-author of “Politics of the Presidency,” spoke live via video conference to students from Denver University, Pace University in Manhattan and George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. on […]

Innovative Course Allows Students to Make Educated Decisions at Polls

By Keeley Peters Janette Muir, a professor at George Mason University, teaches an enthusiastic group of New Century College students about the ins and outs of political campaigning. She strives to educate her students about pressing election issues and encourages them to educate others by reaching out to undecided voters in the area. “I came […]

Negative Campaign Ads Effective, Not Truthful

By Rashad Mulla Negative presidential campaign advertisements are effective in forming and changing public opinion, according to Thom Mozloom, founder and owner of The M Network, a professional media planning and branding agency. Broadcast live via video conference from Washington, D.C., Mozloom spoke to college students from the University of Denver, Pace University in Manhattan […]

Too Many Election Ads, Too Often

By Katherine Libby In the weeks leading up to the election, the number of presidential television ad campaigns has soared to an unprecedented level, irritating many young voters. The Associated Press, surveying approximately 1,000 undecided voters, reported that 60 percent said television advertisements did not sway them one way or another. A third of those […]

Hillary Clinton Rallies for Obama at Mason

Today, Hillary Clinton spoke at George Mason University’s Fairfax campus. Virginia is a battle ground state and both campuses are fighting hard for the 13 electoral votes it has to offer. Supporters were out in large numbers standing in lines that extended from the North Plaza to Enterprise and circling outside the northern portion of […]

It’s Almost Over

I don’t just mean the Election, but the end of eight years of half-bright leadership and the social movements that allowed a near-incompetent like George W. Bush to become President of the United States. While W. fumbled his way through the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, destroying the national surplus, beating the economy like a rented […]

Final thoughts before the End.

I was never passionate about politics until this election. Until this year, I could have cared less about who was President. And then, one day about six or seven months ago, I happened to pick the elliptical trainer in front of a TV broadcasting MSNBC. Some guy was speaking in front of a crowd, but […]

Find Mason’s Voice in Latest VoxPop Magazine

This week the Office of Student Media at George Mason University released the latest issue of VoxPop magazine, titled Voice. Check out Voice with Mason Votes’ online reader or pick up a free copy today from the Broadside office in SUB1. Voice looks at what Mason has been doing this election season, what students and […]