Getting Out the Female Vote

by Noah Martin George Mason University hosted Feminist Majority Foundation representatives for their Get Out Her Vote 2008 campaign, a non-partisan campaign traveling to campuses nationwide to encourage voter registration and increase knowledge of the voting system. They spoke at multiple classes around campus on Sept. 17. “The most important part of our message is […]

What’s Going on Right Now, Wednesday

CNN is on campus covering students registering to vote     Students Register to Vote        VA-21 on Campus  

Wanted: Opinion Bloggers

Mason Votes is looking for opinion bloggers who are Libertarian, Green Party or Supporters of Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader. Please contact us at if you are interested.

Obama-Hood and his Merry Obamanomics [or] Obama Hearts Socialism.

By Tierney Kain Oh god. Oh GOD. Our economy’s NEVER been as bad as it is now. Great Depression?! Please. Our current “Great Recession” is much, much worse. I mean…our million dollar houses we bought with zero money down and refinanced six times are being foreclosed upon! The dinners out and the DVD libraries we […]

Who’s Your Candidate

Connect2Mason interviews students to find which national candidate they prefer. Download Now!

Stars Remind Students to Register

The Feminist Majority Foundation, a non-partisan organization, will be on campus this Wednesday presenting in classes and registering students to vote. Check out their newest video!

Obama Registers 60 Students to Vote a Day at Mason

At George Mason University, volunteers for Presidential Nominee Barack Obama’s campaign are registering 50-60 students to vote everyday. “Being a recent college graduate myself, I know a lot of students forget to register or forget to register in the right place. I want to make sure everyone gets a chance to register to vote in […]

“The Future of Food” and “Trashed” Showing at Mason

The new Student Media film club and Mason Votes is showing “The Future of Food” and “Trashed” this Wednesday from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m at Harris Theatre. “The Future of Food” is a documentary filmed on location in the United States, Canada and Mexico which investigates the distribution of unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods. It […]

I Have Foreign Policy Experience, Once I Refueled in Ireland

In what the Washington Post‘s E.J. Dionne is calling “a larger narrative of deception,” it appears the McCain-Palin camp has made an informed and conscientious decision to keep right on passing the American public half-truths, grandiose exaggerations, and claims approaching the realm of untruth, if not actually breaching the border between fact and fiction. The […]

Why I Love Politics, Even When I’m Sickened By It

Here are some words I never thought would ever come out of my mouth: I love The View… and here’s why. What a fantastic woman, that Barbara Walters, requesting details and a little clarity from John McCain who seems more than willing to be tossed about on the seas of Celebrity as Sarah Palin quickly […]