I Have Foreign Policy Experience, Once I Refueled in Ireland

In what the Washington Post‘s E.J. Dionne is calling “a larger narrative of deception,” it appears the McCain-Palin camp has made an informed and conscientious decision to keep right on passing the American public half-truths, grandiose exaggerations, and claims approaching the realm of untruth, if not actually breaching the border between fact and fiction. The […]

Why I Love Politics, Even When I’m Sickened By It

Here are some words I never thought would ever come out of my mouth: I love The View… and here’s why. What a fantastic woman, that Barbara Walters, requesting details and a little clarity from John McCain who seems more than willing to be tossed about on the seas of Celebrity as Sarah Palin quickly […]

Is Palin Confused?

Yesterday Palin linked the 9/11 terrorist attacks to… Iraq. Even George W. Bush seems to have a better grasp on the whole situation. As Anne E. Kornblut writes for the Washington Post: “[A] view once promoted by Bush administration officials, has since been rejected even by the president himself.” Hmm. It’s also not good to […]

Palin is my Homegirl.

Barack Hussein Obama does have lots and lots of experience. He does! We promise! I mean, he was a senator and a lawyer and was a community organizer after college. Well, okay, maybe he only served 143 days as a US Senator before he started the presidential process, but still! That’s beside the point! He’s […]

How Can We Talk Politics at a Time Like This?

Tom Brady is out for the season. (And ESPN Page 2’s Bill Simmons deals admirably with the emailed fallout.) This is no time to mourn a fallen American hero, though, not when four other Americans are sharpening their claws (or getting their campaign staff to do it) for the final two months of this rather […]