Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader Coming Sunday

Independent Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader and his running mate, Matt Gonzalez, will be at George Mason University this Sunday. The event, entitled “Jail Time, Not Bail Time: an End to Corporate and Two-Party Rule,” will be held in the Student Union II Ballroom at 5:30 p.m.

If You Were Running for President, What Would Your Platform Be?

Mason Votes interviews students to find out what the most important issue is for them. Download Now!

Do Students Support the Wall Street Bail Out?

Mason Votes asks George Mason University students how they feel about the Wall Street bail out plan. Download Now!

Mason Watches McCain, Obama Debate for Second Time

Presidential Candidates John McCain and Barack Obama participated in their second debate tonight at Belmont University in Nashville, TN. George Mason University students and staff gathered in the Johnson Center Atrium to watch the much anticipated meeting. Both candidates’ campaigns had promised to take off the gloves for this debate, a promise that seemed to […]

Tonight’s Presidential Debate to Be Aggressive

Tonight’s presidential debate is expected to be much more pointed than its predecessor. When asked recently when he was going to take off the gloves, Presidential Candidate John McCain answered, “How about Tuesday night?” And today, David Axelrod was reported by CNN as saying that Presidential Candidate Barack Obama is “prepared for a very aggressive […]

Debate Watch Party Tonight

Tonight at 8:30 p.m. Mason Votes will open the Second Presidential Debate Watch Party with a panel of guest speakers at the Johnson Center, who will speak about the youth vote and the digital sphere’s influence on the electoral process. Join Mason Votes on this page for a live blog of the event and the […]

Last Day to Register to Vote

  Today, the last day to register to vote, over 100 students have registered or updated their registration on campus. Registration volunteers from Presidential Nominee Barack Obama’s campaign have been on campus everyday for weeks. According to those volunteers, students have been surrounding their registration table all morning; some have been experiencing problems contacting the […]

Johnson Center Full for VP Debate Watch

The Johnson Center Atrium was full Thursday night as students closely watched the live vice-presidential debate. Senator Joe Biden of Delaware and Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska crossed swords on issues such as the economy, international affairs, the role of the vice president and their readiness to lead. Going into the debate, both candidates needed […]

VP Debate Watch Tonight

Join Mason Votes tonight as we Live Blog the Vice Presidential Debate from the Johnson Center watch party. The debate and interactive live blog begins at 9 p.m.

Mason Hosts Local Congressional Candidates for Health Forum

Virginia Congressional hopefuls gathered in Harris Theatre to deliver their proposals about healthcare and to respond to specific policy questions from panel members on Wednesday night. The candidates were each given fifteen minutes to present how they would improve healthcare in Virginia and in the nation. Speeches were followed by five minutes questions formulated by […]