Interview with Gerry Connolly

Below is the text of Mason Vote’s Interview with Gerry Connelly, Democratic candidate for Congress in the 11th District.

Q: As people go to the polls what do you want them to think about?
A: I want them to think about the future of the country. this election is a big deal. We have the opportunity to make history and to change the course of the country and I think we’re going to do both of those things tomorrow.

Q: How are you feeling about your chances for a win?
A: Um, cautiously optimistic

Q: What would be your first priority if elected?
A: Well if think our first priority for all of us, should we be elected tomorrow, would be righting our economy. This is the worst economy melt down since 1929.

Q:What kind of affect do you expect George Mason University students’ votes will have on the outcome of the election?
A: You know I have never seen the campus as energized as I have this year. For example, I don’t know if you knew that the head of young democrats is a part of my campaign structure.

I was on campus the night of Barack Obama’s accemptance speech in August and we had 200 students plus on a summer night.

Q: How will you help students if you are elected?
A: One of the things I certainly want to do is make college more affordable and student loans more available. We also, obviously, the Federal Government needs to put a premium on higher education especially if we want to stay competitive in the global marketplace.

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