A History of Virginia in Votes

Virginia, as one of the original 13 colonies, has had a long history when it comes to presidential elections. At its peak, 1792, Virginia controlled 15.9 percent of the nation’s total electoral votes. With a count of 25 electoral votes, Virginia had more than any other single state. From the formation of the modern Democratic […]

Obama Rally at University of Mary Washington Draws Thousands

By Rachael Dickson Fredericksburg, Virginia-Thousands of Sen. Barack Obama’s supporters cheered him on tonight as he spoke through the pouring rain at University of Mary Washington. According to UMW student Peter Ceo, a College Democrats member, people started arriving at the event at 10 a.m., nine hours before the Democratic presidential nominee and his vice […]

Debate Watch Party a Success

By David L Pierce Over a hundred George Mason University students watched the first televised presidential debate Friday night at a Debate Watch Party in the Johnson Center. Although the debate was focused on foreign policy, the economy took center stage in the beginning. Sen. Barack Obama felt optimistic about the governmental bailout plan, but […]

Debate Watch Party Organizers React

Hear the Debate Watch Party’s student organizers speak about the event. Download Now!

Back in Business: McCain Agrees to Debate

By Christian Yingling Caving to public and media pressure, Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain has agreed to participate in tonight’s debate at the University of Mississippi. This announcement comes over 48 hours after his controversial campaign suspension and request for the debate to be postponed until after the economic crisis has been fixed. Democratic […]

Obama: Debate to Continue, Will Not Suspend Campaign

Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Obama just finished a press conference responding to Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain’s campaign suspension and request for Friday’s debate to be postponed. In his statements, he rejected the idea that either a campaign suspension or debate postponement is necessary. “It will be part of the president’s job to deal with […]

John McCain Suspends Campaign

Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain has just announced that he is suspending his campaign. McCain campaign headquarters stated that he will continue the suspension until “the economic crisis is over.” McCain has asked Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama to suspend his campaign as well and postpone Friday’s debate on foreign policy. Obama’s campaign has yet […]

Michelle Obama Urges Youth to Vote

In a conference call with student journalists today, Michelle Obama touted the importance of the youth vote to this fall’s presidential election. “Young people can make a huge difference,” said Obama, “No matter who they are voting for, we need young people to register to vote.” In 2000, only 36 percent of registered voters age […]

Albright Talks Foreign Policy at Mason

By David Pierce, courtesy of Broadside Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright spoke at a foreign policy town hall meeting, sponsored by presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign, Saturday in Dewberry Hall. She was part of a three-person panel that included terrorism expert Richard Clarke and Rep. Jane Harman (D.-Calif.) Albright, 71, introduced herself […]

Madeleine Albright at Mason this Saturday

by Noah Martin Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State, U.S. Rep. Jane Harman and Richard Clarke, former chief counter-terrorism advisor to the U.S. National Security Counsel, will speak at the Foreign Policy Town Hall at George Mason University in Student Union Building I’s Patriot Lounge on Saturday at 7 p.m.. The speakers will address the […]