Madeleine Albright at Mason this Saturday

by Noah Martin

Madeline Albright will Be in SUB I this Saturday

Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State, U.S. Rep. Jane Harman and Richard Clarke, former chief counter-terrorism advisor to the U.S. National Security Counsel, will speak at the Foreign Policy Town Hall at George Mason University in Student Union Building I’s Patriot Lounge on Saturday at 7 p.m.. The speakers will address the foreign policy of the current administration and the topic of terrorism and counter-terrorism.

Albright was the 64th Secretary of State. She was unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate and sworn into office on January 23, 1997 becoming the first woman to hold the position. Prior to her role as Secretary of State, Albright served as the United States’ Permanent Representative to the United Nations, a member of President Bill Clinton’s Cabinet and representative to the National Security Council.

Harmen has represented California’s 36th Congressional District since 1992. A seven term congresswoman, Ms. Harmen served for eight years on the House Intelligence Committee and is a recognized authority on issues of homeland security, counterterrorism, and intelligence.

Clarke has served in different capacities in the field of counter terrorism for the past four U.S. presidents. He served in the State Department for President Ronald Reagan, worked for President George H. W. Bush and served as the chief counter-terrorism advisor to the US National Security Counsel under Clinton, and  President George W. Bush.

The event is sponsored by Students for Barack Obama and the Fairfax City Obama Campaign for Change and paid for by Campaign for Change, part of the Virginia Democratic Party.

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