Warner’s Keynote Speech Overshadowed As Hillary Attempts to Unify the Democratic Party

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Former Virginia Governor Mark Warner gave the Keynote speech last night at the Democratic National Convention in Denver but was overshadowed by New York Senator and former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. “Nobody remembers that he spoke never mind he was the keynote speaker,” said Dennis Prager, a conservative talk show host in a post-convention Larry King Live republican response.

Clinton’s stirring speech has potentially laid to rest any question of her support for presumptive presidential nominee Barack Obama and united many of her supporters with the larger Democratic party. Republican pundits are not convinced, though, that she has given him her unfaltering support. “She never quite said that Barack Obama was ready to be President…the issue of leadership is still there” said Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, (R) Texas on Larry King Live. But if Clinton was not successful in persuading viewers that she fully backs Obama, she was unequivocally successful at laying to rest any question of who she does not support. “No way, no how, no McCain!” might be the sound bite of her speech.

“This was a very strong speech” said  Kellyanne Conway, Republican strategist, to Larry King. “I think her speech was so good I think some supporters left there scratching their heads wondering why she is part of the team but not part of the ticket.”

The Democratic National Convention continues tomorrow and culminates with Obama’s Democratic presidential nomination acceptance speech on Thursday which will be televised live at a watch party in the Johnson Center Atrium starting at 8:30 p.m.

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