Mason to Watch as Obama Accepts Nomination, Makes History

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Tonight, students are invited to watch history made live! Mason Votes is co-sponsoring a Democratic National Convention watch party where students can see Illinois Senator Barack Obama become the first African American in U.S. History to be nominated for president. The watch party begins at 8:30 p.m. and Obama’s acceptance speech is expected at 10 p.m.

Mason Votes will feature video responses to the speech and live blogging from Democratic and Republican students who will also participate in a Mason Votes podcasted interview. Everyone is invited to contribute to the live blog by joining in the discussion.

In an interesting twist, today is also the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. It will mark 45 years since a time it was unimaginable for an African American to safely vote for president let alone run for president.

The Republican National Convention watch party will be held next Thursday, September 4 where students can see Arizona Senator John McCain accept his party’s nomination. will publish live coverage from that event as well.

Photo by Courtney Erland

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