Preview: Six Days in June

The Office of Student Media dn the Film and Video Studies program present a free screening on September 27, 7:30 p.m., in Harris Theater of Six Days in June, a film about the 1967 Six Day War between Israel and Egypt. This is part of a series of election-season films at George Mason University.

The movie’s website notes:

Written and directed by noted filmmaker Ilan Ziv (The Junction, Human Weapon), Six Days in June chronicles the events of forty years ago with a fresh historical perspective. Beginning with the buildup for the war, and the political and military maneuvering of Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol and Egyptian President Jamal Adel Nasser, the film takes us through the six days of fighting, the war with Jordan, the occupation of the West Bank and the unification of Jerusalem.

Featuring stunning archival footage and first-hand accounts of the war from both the Israeli and Arab soldiers who fought it, Six Days in June explores how these events became the flashpoint in history that reshaped the regional political landscape, destroyed old systems and brought new forces to the surface. Rarely in modern times has so short and localized a conflict had such profound global consequences.

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  1. […] Killed the Electric Car? The Future of Food Trashed Six Days in June Lake of Fire Maxed […]

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