Platform: Joshua St. Louis and Amanda Johnson

This is the platform posted at


Administrative Policy:



A fundamental change is needed in the area of financial aid. At one point, GMU made the Princeton Review’s list of: “Most Unsatisfied with Financial Aid.” Currently, only 1.1% of GMU’s massive budget is used for financial aid. As President, I would work with the Administration to increase spending in this area.

The Budget also needs to be readily available for students who wish to find it. Last year’s budget was 140 pages. I would work with the Treasury Secretary and the Administration to publish a condensed version, as well as one that could be readily available to students.

Currently, no section of the budget is utilized for benefits for students who work for the University. I would explore the option of tuition benefits, or discounts in dining or in the bookstore.

Safe Pro-Environment Polices


While student safety is no doubt incredibly important, there is no need for every light on campus to be left on at night. As someone who goes jogging late at night, I see the Aquatic and Fitness Center, the Johnson Center, and many Academic Buildings leave all of their lights on. While it is imperative that the streetlights remain on for campus safety, I believe that we save a lot of money on our electric bills if we simply advocate for more common-sense solutions in lighting.

While this may not be the most exciting or enjoyable topic, the University could save a lot of water and money if we added more “water-free” urinals in the men’s rooms on campus. There are many efficient and sanitary alternatives that could wind up saving the University tens of thousands of dollars.

A Better Informed Student Body


One of the major problems of our Student Government is that the general student body does now know what their elected representatives do. This concern was noted in several candidates’ platforms last year, and as a result, the Town Hall was created. I would further continue the Town Hall and expand it, as well as give a “State of the Union” type of address at the beginning of the 2nd Semester, in addition to giving weekly addresses.

Dr. Merten once said, “Student government is the mechanism by which the administration has more direct contact with the students.” We have to get back to that mindset. We need to inform the Student Body about the 10% tuition increases, and the 16.4% increase in Housing Costs, and the fact that most double rooms are turning into three person rooms. I would use a system of weekly emails, and a blog where the Vice President and I, along with other Executive Branch officials, would write. Flyers will also be posted around campus, notifying students about key Administration decisions, as well as sponsored events.

A Smaller, stronger, open Student Government


There are currently five Secretary and 15 Undersecretary positions in the Executive Office. The average student cannot name what they do, much less name what they are, and who heads each respective department. After evaluating the effectiveness and influence of each Department, I would make some cuts, as well as add some Departments to better serve the Student Body. My proposals are outlined in the following paragraphs.

I would create a “Secretary of Commuter Students” to better advocate and lobby their needs, on campus, and serve as my Chief liaison to the GMU Administration in the areas of parking services.

I would merge the Undersecretary of Student Organizations and the Undersecretary of Greek affairs, and have it headed under one Undersecretary, and have that person play a more active role in outreaching to clubs on campus, and aid in the creation of new student-led organizations on campus. I would also have that Department encourage more involvement between other student organizations, such as continuing and expanding the Student Government sponsored fall food drive.

I would merge the Departments of Media Relations and Advertising to create a non-Cabinet level Press Secretary role. I would work with Student Media and explore the option of having that office headed out of the Student Media office.

I would create an “Attorney General” type of Cabinet-level position that would advocate for student’s rights, and serve as a check to the University to ensure that student’s Constitutional Rights are being upheld. The first goal of this office would be to ensure the passage of the “Student Bill of Rights,” or some version of it. Eventually, I would hope to see this office be seen as the students’ lawyer, and turn into an elected position.

One of the main issues for the Attorney General would be to look at free-speech issues. An independent group, FIRE, criticizes GMU for “clearly and substantially restricting freedom of speech.” This was seen last year, as one student was banned from the JC for holding a “free hugs” sign, and another one, who was arrested for holding a sign saying that “Recruiters Lie.”

As Student Body President, I would also seek to allow the student reps to the BOV to be appointed by Student Government, and have them have a much more active role in the BOV.

The student senate is something that needs radical change. While no doubt it once served the student body, it has become outdated. If elected, I would spend my term coming up with a way to reach a fair agreement that restructures the Senate.

I would also look into merging some groups, such as Student Activities, with Student Government, so that the Student Population has even greater control of what goes on around campus.

Less Partisan Approach to governing


For the past two terms, we have seen President-Senate relations become extremely partisan. Student Senators are quickly labeled “liberal” and “conservative,” and act according to political philosophy. As President I would seek to end this, by giving funding to student groups not based on ideology, but based on how they have helped to make a difference at Mason.

In keeping with this mindset, I would utilize student polls on a monthly basis. Last year’s election was won and lost by 9 votes. While I am not saying that 100% of George Mason will agree with my policies, I will be making every decision with the average GMU student in mind.

In keeping this less partisan mindset, I would veto bills and resolutions that express opinions on non-Mason issues, such as National or State Issues.

More Student Input on the Issues


While there can be such a thing as too many polls, as mentioned I would utilize student polls on a monthly basis to gauge students’ opinions on controversial issues. For example, the decision to get rid of Gunston was based off an assumption that he was unpopular with the students, and yet the new Mascot was “booed of the stage at the first game,” and multiple Facebook groups and petitions have been circulating around campus in an attempt to “save” Gunston. The University’s decision to reform Gunston was undemocratic in the very least, and deserves the attention of the Attorney General’s office that I plan on creating.

While all of the construction projects around Mason are indeed impressive, there needs to be a check to Dr. Merten and the University, to respectively stand up and ask, “Is all of this really necessary?” While facing higher tuition and housing costs, GMU continues to sink into a hole as we build and build.

I would also seek to create post-election polling, to find out what issues were important the students, and to find out voter turnout percentages.

Student Services:

Student Life


To further encourage an active student life, I would further promote the “Every Freakin Friday” events that GMU holds. I would also work to make the game rooms free on weekends.

100% Wifi


While there is no question that Wifi access has improved drastically on campus, it is still not 100%. As President, I would work with the Administration, and respective IT departments to try to make 100% campus wifi a reality sooner rather than later. The Administration has said that 100% coverage is the ultimate goal, although in today’s fast-pace society, it should come much sooner.

Book Returns


Every year, right around finals season, a Facebook group will be created to complain about how the Bookstore gives poor deals on “buying back” books. I would work with the bookstore to guarantee either a 40-50% price guarantee for each returned book. If this doesn’t work, I would work to create a Student Government sponsored forum where students can buy and sell books together for decent and fair prices.



Southside has made meeting the dietary needs of many students so much easier. As part of my polling, I would seek to find out if students feel that if their needs are being met.

School Pride


This is not something that requires a lot of work to do. Something as easy as repainting school signs green and gold, having discounts on Mason dorm room items, or placing Mason’s logo on the roads and sidewalks. While this is relatively simple, it increases the “college-atmosphere” and displays Mason Pride to any visitor who steps on the campus.

One Response to “Platform: Joshua St. Louis and Amanda Johnson”

  1. I very much believe that something needs to be done about the lighting situations, the new PE building on Patriot Circle has the lights left on quite often, that building isn’t even open yet.

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