Platform: Kyle McDaniel and Jillian Ferron

This is the platform posted at

Our platform is 3 words long: Help All Students.  And we are going to do that by doing the following:  

Spend the government’s money wiser:

Subject every spending bill to a litmus test, ensuring that money is spent only when necessary.
Force the Senate and the sponsors of spending bills to first seek out donations and discounts, ensuring that we get the most for our money.

Only spend money on programs and initiatives that benefit all students.

Increase student input into the government:

Create steering committees comprised of student leaders and students not in the government, ensuring that every program and initiative has been crafted by the opinions of not only the government, but the students.

Invite students to Senate and Cabinet meetings.

Record and publish all Senate and Cabinet meetings online within one week of the meeting.

Work with the administration, not against them:

Voice the concerns of all students to the necessary officials.

Demand reasonable explanations from administrators when projects and initiatives are shot-down, then inform students when none are given.

Build consensus with the Book Store, not attack them and create animosity and suspicion.

Increase oversight:

Place the budget online, and ensure weekly updates are done.

Seek advice from students before signing spending bills.

Start weekly electronic newsletter to update students as to what the government is doing.

Work with the local community:

Meet with local and state legislators to proactively lobby for Mason.

Work with local businesses to get students discounts, and revive and mantain Green Star.

Create incentive programs to encourage students to get plugged into the community.

Encourage community service:

Form steeting committee of service oriented student leaders and organizations to explore ways to increase Mason’s impact in the community through service projects.

Plan and implement a Student Service Week in which we encourage all students and student organizations to do a service project that helps the community.

Give students the resources and information to get plugged into community service and about volunteer opportunities.

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